One World Religion

Christian services were shutdown during lockdowns, and enforced by law enforcement. This alone was beyond what people ever thought possible. That the state could come in and lock us out of our churches. It happened. It was only the first step.

The censoring of Christian values have been on the march for years, but in the near future, it will go to the next level. Censor hawks will swoop in to censor public speech that reflect scripture, deeming it intollerant and noninclusive. Then a growing movement to integrate “inclusive” services of all faiths under one roof. We already see this movement take root in Europe and American college campuses. Soon it will be the only one permitted.

Your attendance to religious services will be linked to your social credit score. For attending services that are deemed “intollerant,” you will receive a lower social credit score. For attending the “inclusive” services of the Christian-Muslim-Jewish-Athiest services, you will receive a higher score. With that score will come your ability to buy groceries, travel, and use the internet. It will even impact your access to your own bank account. Anyone who rejects this dynamic will find themselves under arrest and impoverished without even the slightest right to speech.

The march of global communism continues and the future is bleak.