

We are embarking upon a journey very few thought possible. From the bygone era of sails and anchors, to the sentient machine of quantum computation, we merge with technology like never before. Through this journey there will be sacrifice, pain, fear, doubt, uncertainty, and a sheer desire to return to simpler times. These phases are naturally human, and will be experienced. Once the dust settles, a new world will emerge. A world of instantaneous gratification. A world that will make 99% decadent in sloth. A world of two tiers.

Through this blog, we will highlight how this new world is being built and what it will be like to live in. This will be of technological advancements in the mechanical and digital. Public Policy and International Relations will emerge with growing uncertainty. AI's response to humanity as the primary uncertainty and the human reaction to a new world order as predictive. This blog seeks to aide the human experience through this transcendental process.

The first batch of articles will be posted shortly.

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